
SIAT® Immune Modeling Service

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Immune modeling is the modeling of a system to test the immune response following an infection or a drug administration. It helps to explore the fundamental development of the immune system, pathogenesis of a disease, and the efficacy and safety of immune-mediated drugs. Creative Biolabs has extensive experience in immune modeling. We offer a variety of immune modeling solutions for global customers.

Importance of Immune Modeling

The immune system of an organism is a defense network of cells, tissues, and organs that protects against foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The disorders in the immune system are associated with the pathological processes of a variety of diseases, such as tumors and inflammatory diseases, which suggests that developing immune-mediated therapeutics may be a promising strategy for treatment of those diseases. During the development of immune-mediated therapeutics, it is necessary to test and analyze their efficacy and safety. Immune modeling is an effective approach for assessment of efficacy and safety of immune-mediated therapeutics. It is an experimental model that simulates physiological and biochemical states of immune system, applied for the analysis of the immune response following an infection or an immunotherapeutic, demonstrating the efficacy of the immunotherapeutic. Besides, immune modeling is also used for interpreting the pathomechanism of disease associated with immune regulation.

Approaches to Immune Modeling

What Can We Do?

We design and develop a variety of immune modeling (in vivo, in vitro, and mathematical model) to meet your different purpose, including but not limited to:

As a leader of immune modeling, Creative Biolabs is proud of offering a wide range of services of immune modeling, promoting your project success. Our services include consultation, designing experimental schemes, carrying out an experiment, data analysis and explanation, and the best after-sale service. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.


  1. What is immune modeling in the context of infection and drug administration?

    Immune modeling involves using mathematical and computational methods to simulate the immune system's response to infections or drug interventions. This approach helps to predict how the immune system will react, allowing researchers to understand potential outcomes of treatments and to design more effective therapeutic strategies.

  2. How does immune modeling assist in vaccine development?

    In vaccine development, immune modeling helps to predict how different populations of immune cells will respond to a vaccine, enabling researchers to optimize vaccine components and dosing schedules. It can also forecast the duration of immunity provided by a vaccine, aiding in the design of booster schedules.

  3. Can immune modeling predict the outcome of auto-immune diseases when drugs are administered?

    Immune modeling can predict the progression and treatment outcomes of autoimmune diseases by simulating the immune system's response to therapeutic agents. This allows for the identification of potential therapeutic targets and the optimization of drug dosages to minimize side effects while maximizing efficacy.

  4. What are the future directions in immune modeling?

    Future directions in immune modeling include integrating more detailed biological data, such as single-cell RNA sequencing data, and applying machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy and predictive capabilities of models. Another focus is the development of personalized immune models that can predict individual responses to treatments, advancing personalized medicine.


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All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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