
Astrovirus is a type of virus that was first discovered in 1975 using electron microscopes following an outbreak of diarrhoea in humans. In addition to humans, astroviruses have now been isolated from numerous mammalian animal species and from avian species such as ducks, chickens, and turkey poults. Astroviruses are 28-35 nm diameter, icosahedral viruses that have a characteristic five- or sixpointed star-like surface structure when viewed by electron microscopy. Human astroviruses have been shown in numerous studies to be an important cause of gastroenteritis in young children worldwide.

CAT Product Name Source Product Overview Target Type Datasheet Size Price
VAng-Lsx0012 Inactivated Astrovirus-1 Antigen Inactivated Astrovirus Type 1 by propiolactone treatment (finalconcentration 0.1 %). Astrovirus Viral Antigens Datasheet 1 mg Inquiry
VAng-Lsx0013 Recombinant Astrovirus-1 Protein (Full Length) Astrovirus type 1 (full length), recombinant protein from Adenovirus. Astrovirus Viral Antigens Datasheet -- Inquiry
VAng-Wyb8623 Recombinant Astrovirus Capsid protein [GST] E. coli Astrovirus Capsid protein (60 kDa), recombinant protein from E. coli, 1.06 mg/mL. Astrovirus Viral Antigens Datasheet 100 µg Inquiry

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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