
Formulation Science Background of Liposome Resources Technical Support

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Creative Biolabs provides customized liposome development services by advanced technical platforms to help your projects. Now we offer customized layerosomes-based drug delivery formulation and related services. Our professional scientists with extensive experience in antibody and peptide production, and bio-conjugation are committed to providing high-quality services to promote the development of innovative diseases treatments.


Novel drug delivery system aims to deliver the drug directly to the site of action during the period of treatment. A number of novel drug delivery systems containing a variety of routes of administration have been developed to accomplish controlled and targeted drug delivery, in which encapsulation of the drug in vesicular structure is such a system, that can prolong the existence of the drug in systemic circulation, and reduce the toxicity. So far, a number of vesicular drug delivery systems such as liposomes, niosomes, transferosomes and pharmacosomes have been used to promote the therapeutic index of both existing and new drug molecules by encapsulating an active drug inside vesicular structure. The vesicular delivery like pro vesicular drug delivery, coating of vesicles, layerosomes, ufosomes system etc. has also been developed with better stabilities compared to simple vesicular drug delivery systems.

Layerosomes-based Drug Delivery

The layersomes are conventional liposomes coated with one or multiple layers of biocompatible polyelectrolytes for purpose of stabilizing their structure. The formulation approach is based on an alternative coating procedure of positive poly (lysine) (pLL) and negative poly (glutamic acid) (pGA) polypeptides on initially charged small unilamellar liposomes. The main disadvantage of liposomes is their instability during storage or in biological media which is related to surface properties. This surface modification stabilizes the structure of the liposomes and contributes to stable drug delivery systems. Thus the concept of layerosomes has brought forward the stable nanosystem.

Fig.1 Schematic representation of layer-by-layer preparation of layersomes. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 Schematic representation of layer-by-layer preparation of layersomes.

Features of Our Layerosomes-based Drug Delivery

  • First-class platform
  • Expert scientist
  • Timely and highly-effective
  • Cost-effective

Creative Biolabs is one of the forward-looking delivery systems provider offers the best service to the customers around the world. Creative Biolabs is pleased to provide high-quality LDD services to contribute to the success of clients' project. Our targeted drug delivery services based on layersomes may help the treatment of diseases for our worldwide customers. If you are interested in the service we provide, please feel free to contact us for more details.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use