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With many years of experience in pharmaceutical research, Creative Biolabs offers a full spectrum of custom lipid-based drug delivery formulations and services with the highest quality and most competitive price for global clients.
Neuropathic diseases, particularly referring to peripheral neuropathy, are nervous disorders or damages to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system which is the connection and information transmitter from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the rest of the body. Manifestations of neuropathic diseases are possible to manifest as sensory impairment, disordered movement, gland or organ dysfunction, and other healthy deficiency, which are determined by the specific type of nerve being affected. Current treatments of peripheral neuropathy usually aim to alleviate symptoms and manage the causes of the condition, such as diabetes, infections, autoimmune diseases and tumors. which are unable to cure the disease. There are a wide range of pharmaceutical drugs commonly applied for neuropathic diseases treatments, such as non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors, antiepileptic medications, and antidepressants.
Although there is no curative treatment for neuropathic diseases, it is necessary to explore an effective, precise, and safe therapeutic method by reducing toxic and side effects while increasing drug action. Therefore, the lipid-based drug delivery system shows great potential for diseases treatments, of which neuropathic diseases are no exception without a doubt. It is inferred and has not been confirmed enough that treatment of neuropathic disease would be more effective when a lipid-based drug delivery system is applied for therapeutic drugs, since:
Fig.1 Use of nanocarriers for pain management.1,2
Based on the advantages above, Creative Biolabs can be the most reliable and proper choice for your lipid-based drug delivery researches and projects.
Just please directly contact us, We can customize our offering to meet your specific project needs.