
Hantavirus (or Orthohantaviruse) is a negative sense single stranded RNA virus in the Hantaviridae family of the order Bunyavirales. Hantaviruses normally infect rodents such as mice and voles and do not cause disease in these hosts. In humans the virus causes two main patterns of disease: a bleeding disorder with low blood pressure and kidney failure (haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome); and an illness with lung involvement and breathlessness, progressing to shock with high mortality (Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome). Human infections of hantaviruses have almost entirely been linked to human contact with rodent excrement, but recent human-to-human transmission has been reported with the Andes virus in South America.

CAT Product Name Source Product Overview Target Type Datasheet Size Price
VAng-Lsx0152 Recombinant Hantavirus Protein Hantavirus, recombinant protein from E. coli. Hantavirus Viral Antigens Datasheet 100 µg (E. coli) Inquiry
VAng-Lsx0153 Recombinant Hantavirus N Protein [GST] HTNV N protein [GST], recombinant protein from E. coli. Hantavirus Viral Antigens Datasheet -- Inquiry
VAng-Lsx0154 Recombinant Hantavirus Nucleocapsid Protein (Full Length) Hantavirus Nucleocapsid (full length), recombinant protein from S. cerevisiae. Hantavirus Viral Antigens Datasheet -- Inquiry
VAng-Lsx0155 Recombinant Hantavirus Nucleocapsid Protein Hantavirus Nucleocapsid, recombinant protein from E. coli. Hantavirus Viral Antigens Datasheet -- Inquiry

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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