Translation Enhancing Technology for Yield Increasing of Proteins

How to ensure the correct structure and function of biopharmaceuticals while reducing their production costs or increasing their yield is a problem that various bio-enterprises are constantly exploring. In addition to the development of expression systems that can meet different needs, the study of transcriptional and translational regulation mechanisms of proteins is also a strategy. Creative Biolabs has developed a translation enhancing technology from the IRES that can initiate the protein translation process, which can significantly improve the translation efficiency of proteins and increase protein production.


Protein drugs are already very common and effective bio-drugs. With the development and successful application of bacterial expression systems, yeast expression systems, baculovirus-insect expression systems, and mammalian expression systems and the growing clinical needs of protein drugs, the market places higher demands on the speed, yield, and cost of protein production. In addition to the expression system, protein production is also affected by gene transcription levels, mRNA transport, half-life of mRNA, and translation efficiency. Certain sequences within the mRNA, internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes), can directly recruit and initiate translation mechanisms. Some sequence elements with IRESes function can improve the translation efficiency of mRNA, significantly increase the expression level of foreign genes, so that a single copy of the target gene can produce a sufficient number of protein products.

Protein translation process - Creative Biolabs

Fig.1 Protein translation process.

Well-Performed Translation Enhancing Technology

Translation enhancing technology from Creative Biolabs is based on the above principle and owns a proved ability to increase translation efficiency mRNA. IRESes have been identified in the 5'UTR of cellular and viral mRNAs, and due to the difficulty in determining clear boundaries, there is currently not much understanding of the cellular IRESes. An IRES was newly identified in the mRNA of homeodomain protein Gtx. Analysis of the UTR sequence of this protein revealed that some cellular IRESes may consist of several fragments that can exert IRES function alone or synergistically. Based on the finding, we conducted in-depth studies and found that when the number of IRESes fragments was increased in the intercistronic region of a dicistronic mRNA, the activity of IRES in various cell lines was significantly increased, and the degree of improvement was even higher than the results obtained using the commonly used encephalomyocarditis virus IRES. The effectiveness of this translation enhancing technology has been validated in multiple cases, demonstrating that the use of single or several IRES fragments enhances or significantly increases protein expression. And it is a strategy that is especially useful for proteins that are difficult to express.

Creative Biolabs is a comprehensive and professional vaccine development company. Our team of scientists has extensive experience in vaccine research and development, not only to meet your routine vaccine research needs, but also to effectively improve existing technologies, which makes our services more competitive in terms of timeline, cost and experimental results than the market.

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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