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High-throughput screening and optimization of CAR-T candidates drive the development and advancement of CAR-T cell therapy. High-throughput screening methods play a crucial role in the development of CAR therapies by enabling the rapid and efficient evaluation of multiple CAR constructs. Creative Biolabs has established a high-throughput screening platform for CAR-T candidates, helping you accelerate the discovery and optimization process.
High-throughput screening methods play a role in evaluating the effectiveness, accuracy, and functionality of CARs that target specific antigens. These methods enable rapid evaluation of a large number of constructs speeding up the discovery and enhancement of candidate CAR-T cell therapies.
CAR-J is a method used to assess CAR constructs in human Jurkat cells. It is closely associated with high-throughput screening in CAR development. CAR-J can be used for the designing, cloning, and evaluation of CAR constructs. The cost-effective and rapid nature of the CAR-J method allows for the assessment of constructs in a high-throughput manner while straightforwardly assessing the sensitivity and specificity of antigen-binding domains (ABDs) targeting specific antigens efficiently.
In the CAR-J method, CAR constructs are introduced into human Jurkat cells, a human leukemic T cell line, in the electroporation step. The Jurkat cells expressing the CAR constructs are co-cultured with target cells expressing the corresponding antigen followed by analyzing the activation of Jurkat cells expressing the CAR constructs through flow cytometry.
Fig.1 Jurkat cells' activation is tested by flow cytometry.1
As a rapid assessment method, CAR-J can be a straightforward method for evaluating CAR constructs in a high-throughput manner, generating large specificity datasets, and potentially optimizing CARs.
The high-throughput screening system utilizing CAR-J offers benefits, such as mimicking CAR function ensuring greater relevance and quality control. In the realm of CAR development methods, high-throughput screening methods like the CAR-J assay provide a more simple and efficient way to evaluate and optimize CAR constructs.
Creative Biolabs is committed to providing the best collaborative experience for every customer. If you want to rapidly screen and optimize your CAR-T candidates, please contact us and let us contribute to your research.
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