

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment, average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells.

Associated Disease
  • AIDS
  • CAR Vector Products

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  • TCR Cell Products

  • TCR Viral Particles

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CAT Product Name Target Species Antibody Clone Antibody Host Receptor Construction Vector Type Targeting Cell Type CAR Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX362 Anti-HIV (XHM181) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM181 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX366 Anti-HIV (XHM182) h(CD28-CD3ζ) bNAb CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM182 Macaque scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX367 Anti-HIV (XHM183) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM183 Macaque scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX371 Anti-HIV (XHM184) h(CD28-CD3ζ) bNAb CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM184 Macaque scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX375 Anti-HIV (XHM185) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM185 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX377 Anti-HIV (XHM186) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM186 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX381 Anti-HIV (XHM187) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM187 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX384 Anti-HIV (XHM188) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM188 Macaque scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX385 Anti-HIV (XHM189) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM189 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX387 Anti-HIV (XHM190) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM190 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX388 Anti-HIV (XHM191) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM191 Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX410 Anti-HIV (XHM201) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM201 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX412 Anti-HIV (XHM202) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM202 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX416 Anti-HIV (XHM203) h(CD28-CD3ζ) bNAb CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM203 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX417 Anti-HIV (XHM204) h(CD28-CD3ζ) bNAb CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM204 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX469 Anti-HIV (XHM200) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) bNAb CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM200 Human scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX475 Anti-HIV (XHM201) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM201 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX570 Anti-HIV (XHM180) (CD4-scFv-h(CD28-CD3ζ)) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM180 Human CD4-scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX577 Anti-HIV (XHM205) (CD4-scFv-h(CD28-CD3ζ)) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM205 Human CD4-scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-T-2-LX594 Anti-HIV (XHM206) (CD4-scFv-h(CD28-CD3ζ)) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human XHM206 Human CD4-scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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CellRapeutics™ In Vivo Cell Engineering: One-stop in vivo T/B/NK cell and macrophage engineering services covering vectors construction to function verification.


Silence™ CAR-T Cell: A novel platform to enhance CAR-T cell immunotherapy by combining RNAi technology to suppress genes that may impede CAR functionality.


Canine CAR-T Therapy Development: From early target discovery, CAR design and construction, cell culture, and transfection, to in vitro and in vivo function validation.

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