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Cancer Vaccine Identity Testing

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Cancer Vaccine Identity Testing

Creative Biolabs prepares cancer cancer vaccines through tumor antigen, immune adjuvant, and the vector. Selection of appropriate target antigens, formulations, adjuvants, and delivery pathways are key factors for the success of cancer cancer vaccines. Our experts support cancer vaccine developers and manufacturers by providing advanced characterization programs. We provide comprehensive quality assurance expertise to help you meet and exceed quantity, stability, and purity.

The Route to Test the Purity of Cancer Vaccines

In order to ensure the safety of the cancer vaccine, high standard identification of the test cancer vaccine was carried out from the following aspects:

  • Detection of attenuation

The attenuation degree of live attenuated cancer vaccine should be considered firstly. Natural virus strains are usually artificially modified to obtain non-pathogenic and immunogenic strains.

  • Allergen detection

It is very extremely crucial to detect allergens in cancer vaccines. By applying current methods, these cancer vaccines do not purify the virus and contain other antigens during cell culture.

  • Inactivated reliability

Most inactivation methods are chemical inactivators, such as methanol.

  • Establishing stability

With expert stability indicator analytical method development skills, we ensure that any changes in physical and chemical properties, structure, polymerization, biological activity, appearance, impurities, excipient degradation and seal interactions can be detected.

  • High-throughput technologies

Techniques such as microarray and second-generation sequencing will extract new ideas for evaluating the effectiveness of cancer vaccines.

Cancer Vaccine Identity Testing Fig.1 Cancer Vaccine manufacturing. (Kalbfleisch, 2018)

Cancer Vaccine Identity Testing Platform

Creative Biolabs provides a wide range of technologies for you to choose, as shown in the table:

Chromatographic Electrophoresis Immunological
  • Chromatography
  • Gas chromatography
  • High-performance liquid
  • Polyacrylamide gel
  • Electrophoresis
  • Immunoelectrophoretic
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Immunodiffusion
  • Immunoelectrophoretic
  • Dot-blot
  • Western blot
  • Enzyme-linked
  • Immunosorbent assay
  • Radioimmunoassay

Table 1: Cancer Vaccine identity technologies.

Our Strategies of Identity Tests

As stated in the European community directive on infectious biologicals by risk group (2000/54ec), we have specialized laboratory facilities to handle class I and class II biologicals. A variety of fully integrated biosafety testing procedures are used in cancer vaccine identification.

  • Supported by project management and regulatory guidance, our services drive your stability program forward
  • Our recipe development team uses stability data support
  • Our scientists have rich experience in stability research and stability testing of biopharmaceutical products
  • We provide comprehensive quality assurance expertise to help you meet and exceed quality, safety, and regulatory standards

Please feel free to contact us and get more detailed information.


  1. Kalbfleisch K; et al. Identity, structure and compositional analysis of aluminum phosphate adsorbed pediatric quadrivalent and pentavalent Cancer Vaccines [J]. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2018.
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