
NK Cell Products

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

NK cells serve as the first defense line against illness and infection, known as the immune system's shock warriors. Unlike T lymphocytes, they do not need specific antigen recognition or costimulation. They may develop quick immune responses against invading infections and cancerous cells. They annihilate sick cells with the ruthlessness of a warbot and may also remove cancer cells that are circulating in the body, assisting in the prevention of metastases. NK cells are a type of innate lymphoid cell that has cytotoxic properties comparable to CD8+ T cells. Scientists are developing NK cell-based immunotherapies against cancer (i.e., CAR-NK cells) to treat a range of blood and solid tumor malignancies.

Fig.1 NK cell subtypes are distincted by the expression of CD56 and CD16. (Gismondi, et al., 2015)Fig.1 CD56lowCD16low NK cells are a functionally and phenotypically distinct NK cell subset.1

Subtypes of NK cells

Natural killer (NK) cells originate in the bone marrow, although they may also mature in secondary lymphoid organs. The relative expression of the surface markers CD27 and CD11b allows for the subdivision of human NK cells into several subsets with specialized roles, including NK-tolerant cells, NK-cytotoxic cells, and NK-regulatory cells. Specialized NK subsets exist in many tissues or organs, characterized by diverse functions.

  • NK-tolerant cells: The NK-tolerant subset consists of CD27-/CD11b- NK cells. They display a preponderance of inhibitory signals.
  • NK-cytotoxic cells: The NK-cytotoxic subset is mostly composed of CD11b+/CD27- NK cells, which have predominant activation signals. They are capable of targeting cells that have a high expression of pressure stimulus-induced ligands.
  • NK-regulatory cells: The majority of NK-regulatory cells are CD27+ NK cells. Activated NK-regulatory cells seek out cells that produce plenty of inflammatory signals.

Human natural killer (NK) subsets Fig.2 Human natural killer (NK) subsets.2

Functions of NK Cells

NK cells play many important roles in the innate immune system.

  • Pathogen Resistance

When pathogens invade, NK cells grow, undergo specialized differentiation, and acquire new sets of receptors and signaling molecules. They may release a range of immune regulatory factors, such as IFN and TNF which can help to regulate the immune response and strengthen resistance to pathogens.

  • Cancer Prevention

NK cells, in collaboration with cytotoxic T lymphocytes, serve as the vanguard of anti-tumor immune responses. To prevent the development of cancers, NK cells yield cytolytic granules packed with the pore-forming protein perforin and granzymes to induce target cells into apoptotic cells. Additionally, by secreting cytokines and activating death receptor pathways, NK cells may also kill tumor cells. In the research of immunotherapies against cancer, NK cells have significant potential and are noteworthy to be extensively investigated.

NK Cells at Creative Biolabs

New therapeutic possibilities have been illuminated by our growing knowledge of NK cell biology. To respond to global customers' feedback as well as facilitate the conversion of NK cell research into clinical settings, Creative Biolabs provides several available for immediate use NK cell products with strict quality control. Please feel free to contact us or inquire about an appropriate product.


  1. Islam, Rasa, et al. "Enhancing a natural killer: Modification of NK cells for cancer immunotherapy." Cells 10.5 (2021): 1058.
  2. Gismondi, Angela, et al. "Effector functions of natural killer cell subsets in the control of hematological malignancies." Frontiers in Immunology 6 (2015): 567.
  • NK Cells, Donor 3 (ICZP083)

    • Gender: Male
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 02:01,03:01; HLAB: 07,13; HLAC: 06,07; HLADRβ 1: 07,15
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  • NK Cells, Donor 2 (ICZP082)

    • Gender: Male
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 03,31; HLAB: 15,44; HLAC: 03,05; HLADRβ 1: 04,10
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  • NK Cells, Donor 1 (ICZP081)

    • Gender: Female
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 01,30; HLAB: 08,18; HLAC: 05,07; HLADRβ 1: 03:01,04:01
  •   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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